Sasha's Show Pictures


Sasha's Shows Gallery of Accomplishments

Here you will follow Alexandra AKA Sasha through pictures on her quest for excellence.

This is my first competition!

Paying attention.

These are my friends!

These are my friends!

Mom and I are working!

My breeder, Richard of, likes me too.

And yes I was the winner, Best in Group!!

Class shows.

And I do what is needed.

I can move like the wind.

This is my first real show! 6 months 2 weeks

I'm learning to move.

I'm a fast study!

Mom says stay, so I stay!

Del Sur Kennel Club 03/25/06

Best of Opposite Sex, 8 months old

Best of Winners, Best of Oppisite Sex, Yuma AZ

Demecber 2006. Good for 2 points!



This site was last updated 02/23/08