Alexander's Show Pictures


Shows Photo Gallery

This gallery will be added to on a regular basis as new accomplishments are added. We are hoping to win more shows and eventually become a true champion.

Enjoy these pictures and come back to follow my progress.

First show, best of winners 6 months old.

First show, best of winners at 6 months old.

Best of winners at 7 months old.

Siberian Speciality, best puppy 9 months old.

Siberian Speciality, best puppy 9 months old.

Siberian Speciality, best puppy 9 months old.

Long Beach, Best of Winners, 9 months.

Mt. Palomar Winners Dog, 10 months.

Cypress Winners Dog.


Paying Attention

Cypress Winners Dog.

These are match pictures from Oct. 16.

I was here for practice.

I think I'm the best!

What do you think?

Perris show of 10-30-05. Looking good, but no points.

Oh well, next time!

After 3 month break, I'm back and looking better!

Enjoying it more!

Moving better!

Playing with my dad!

and enjoying it!

Best of winners at the Bahia Kennel club. June 17, 06

Best of Winners at Mt. Palomar Kennel Club

August 6th, 2006

Best of Winners at Mt. Palomar Kennel Club

August 6th, 2006 Offical Photo

Best of Winners at the South Bay Kennel Club

August 13th, 2006 Offical Photo

This was his first Major as well!!!

And with this win on 9/23/06 I am minored out.

Vallejo, March 25 2007

Although he didn't win, he did well!




This site was last updated 02/23/08